Rubens Heredia
- 4 de fev. de 2019
What is MPF?
Thinking about how to teach new vocabulary or grammar to students more effectively? Looking for ways to help students understand and use Eng
Rubens Heredia
- 4 de ago. de 2018
What is Word Stress?
Wondering how to teach English pronunciation more effectively? Here are definitions, examples, techniques and activity ideas for the...
Andreia Zakime
- 29 de jul. de 2018
What is the Phonemic Chart?
The phonemic chart is a tool commonly used to help learners understand and produce the sounds in English pronunciation. It is comprised...
Andreia Zakime
- 27 de set. de 2017
What are Collocations?
Collocations are words that are commonly used together. Collocations are usually categorised according to the words that form them:...
Rubens Heredia
- 15 de set. de 2017
What is Sentence Stress?
In this post, we'll talk about sentence stress (or prominence) and how it can be taught. We even include an activity for you to try out!