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Tech tools to teach online in times of social distancing and lockdowns.

A lot of teachers are having to switch from face-to-face to online lessons because of social distancing and lockdowns related to Covid-19. Here at What is ELT?, we're trying to help as much as we can.

There are a number of digital tools that can come in handy in times like these. Not only can they help us deal with the current crisis, but they are also very useful to reduce our environmental footprint by reducing the amount of paper we use in face-to-face lessons.

Here is a compilation of the characteristics of the most popular tools to teach online and use digital spaces. They can help you:

  • Share files and documents with students;

  • Set tasks, organise students' work

  • Promote online interaction and collaboration

  • Host online synchronous meetings and web conferences

  • Keep video and online record of lessons online for those who aren't able to join in

You can find more details on some tools in our previous posts on Edmodo and Padlet.

We genuinely hope it helps! Feel free to share it with teachers you know who are going through a similar situation.

Stay safe! Stay home!

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