Rubens Heredia
11 de abr. de 2019
Webinar: Principles for the use of technology in the classroom
A lot of teachers want to use technology in their English lessons, but they are unsure about how to go about doing it. In this webinar, I...
Andreia Zakime
10 de abr. de 2019
Empowering the women in our classrooms
Last month, the Talking EFL crew put together an amazing initiative to commemorate International Women's Day 2019: a magazine featuring...
What is ELT? Team
9 de abr. de 2019
5 film and series quotes that help us become better teachers
We all have our favourite quotes from films and TV series, right? In this gust post on Richmond Share blog, I tell you some of mine, and...
Andreia Zakime
8 de mar. de 2019
Women support women
"Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women." - Maya Angelou...
Andreia Zakime
26 de fev. de 2019
What is PBL?
Project-based learning (PBL) is an approach to teaching that highlights the use of problem-solving and collaboration in the design of...
Rubens Heredia
4 de fev. de 2019
What is MPF?
Thinking about how to teach new vocabulary or grammar to students more effectively? Looking for ways to help students understand and use Eng
Andreia Zakime
29 de jan. de 2019
What are Patterns of Interaction?
Patterns of interaction, or interaction patterns, as the name says, are the different possibilities in which students can interact with...
What is ELT? Team
31 de dez. de 2018
Happy New Year!!
We wish you all the best in 2019!
Andreia Zakime
28 de dez. de 2018
What is CPD?
2018 is coming to an end and we are all starting to make plans for the upcoming year. Apart from our personal resolutions, we all wonder...
Andreia Zakime
9 de out. de 2018
What is Dogme ELT?
Designing activities, choosing a coursebook, creating handouts. Every teacher has faced difficulties when it comes to the selection of...