Rubens Heredia
17 de mai. de 2018
What is an ICQ? Teaching techniques for giving instructions in the classroom.
We've all been there. We ask students to do an activity, perform a task or answer and exercise, and they start doing something completely...
Rubens Heredia
9 de mai. de 2018
5 Trends in Teaching: Ideas for Professional Development
Thinking about how to develop professionally based on trends in ELT we've seen at the IATEFL 2018? Click on the image to check this guest...
Andreia Zakime
15 de abr. de 2018
What is Drilling?
Drilling is a technique that consists of the repetition of oral patterns and structures. In this post, we’ll provide a definition of...
Andreia Zakime
9 de abr. de 2018
What is IATEFL?
The 52nd Annual International IATEFL conference starts this Monday and What is ELT? will be there to bring you all news and updates about...
Andreia Zakime
28 de mar. de 2018
What is Practice?
Does practice make perfect? Providing learners with practice activities is an essential step to help them use language confidently. In...
Andreia Zakime
20 de mar. de 2018
What are lesson aims?
Defining lesson aims is the first step to prepare an effective lesson. When you set a clear aim, it is easier to make decisions about...
Rubens Heredia
25 de fev. de 2018
What is a CCQ?
CCQs are questions used to check whether students understood the meaning of a given lexical or grammar item. In this video, we provide a...
What is ELT? Team
21 de fev. de 2018
Join our YouTube Channel
Hello everyone! We've just launched a channel on YouTube to keep on sharing definitions and examples of relevant concepts for English...
Andreia Zakime
19 de jan. de 2018
What is Task-based learning?
TBL (Task-based learning), or TBLT (Task-based language teaching) is an approach in which learning revolves around the completion of...
Rubens Heredia
26 de out. de 2017
What is the KASA Framework?
The KASA is a framework for professional development that takes into account four areas suggested by Donald Freeman in his seminal 1989...